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September Women’s Newsletter

It has been an exciting month with the completion of the Canobolas Cup and some brilliant sunny, warm days that have lots of members out on the course. The warmer weather has certainly dried the course out resulting in lots of run; winning scores have been in the low 40’s for just about every competition held this month.

Points of Interest and Results

  • Long time sponsor and supporter Helen Corby was on hand the day the final for the Canobolas Cup was played. So Helen was able to see Barb Chapman and Beryl Pearce battle it out over 36 holes. They went to the 34th hole where Barb finally prevailed. Congratulations to both women for some great golf and thank you to Helen for the continued support. Wine and cheese was enjoyed in the clubhouse after the almighty effort. On the same day the Consolation Cup was also contested and Billie O’Neil was the victor here against Ann Williams. Rhonda Bloomfield and Janis Pritchard are the sponsors for the Consolation Cup and we thank them as well as the caddies and the referees on the day.
  • Pennants On the same day as the Canobolas Cup, Duntry was host to the WDLGA Pennants semi finals. There were four clubs involved – Grenfell, Dubbo, Wellington and Canowindra.  Wellington and Dubbo won on the day so they will now go on to play at Finals Day at Forbes on 28th September. They really enjoyed the hospitality at Duntry.
  • On 15th August there was a 2 person Ambrose  and Lou Stevens and Val Pollock were the winners with a very impressive 62 nett. Jo Hunter and Sally Kay were runners-up with 68.75, and Alison Duffield and Susan Fenwick came third with 69.5. The 9 hole competition also played the same event and Marg Ogilvy and Sally Heigh won on 35 nett , runners-up Marg Shannon and Carol Reynolds with 37.5. This was a fun day in the midst of the seriousness of Canobolas Cup elimination rounds.
  • On 22nd August the women played an individual stableford and this was when we began to notice that the dry course and the extra run was helping players to wonderful scores in the 40’s. Winners on the day in their respective divisions were Val Pollack 40 points, Margo Snare 36 and Barb Chapman 42. In the 9 hole event Cathy Murphy and Marg Johnston both had 19 pts.
  • The 3 sticks and a putter event was held on 29th August and as usual there was lots of talking about club selection and a few groans from those who don’t like to be so limited. The clever golfers on the day were Ros Davis in Div 1 with 35 points, runner-up Taua Holmes 32; in Div 2 Julie Mendham with 35 and Deirdre Horan with 33. The really clever players were in Div 3 with Val Durack pipping Dot Beasley on a countback for the win – both women had 40 points. Cathy Murphy had another win in the 9 hole event with 22 pts. This event is sponsored by Dot Beasley and Janet Appleby thank you.
  • Captain’s versus President’s Day was held on 5th September and the women played a 4BBB Stableford. The day is proudly sponsored by Dot and Kevin Tandy so thank you Dot and Kevin for the support. The Captain’s team dressed in red and the Presidents were all in blue and there was a bit of friendly sledging on the day. Winners on the President’s team were Alison Duffield and Virginia Conran with 46 points and on the Captain’s side two teams scored 48 points – Robin Thompson with Deirdre Horan and Ruth Swift with Val Pollack. Robin and Deirdre getting the win on a countback. In the 9 hole competition President’s winners were Marg Johnston and Edna Sharp 19, while the Captain’s winners were Cathy Murphy and Shirley Carrick with 23 pts. The overall winners were the Captain’s with 636 points and the President’s had 616. Congratulations to Kerry’s team and we will do it all again next year.
  • 12th September The course was undergoing some renovations of the greens so only a 9 hole competition was played on the front nine.

Coming Events at Duntryleague

  • The ninth Monthly Medal will be played on 19th September. Sponsored by Terry White Chemist (Tim Gray). Janis Pritchard sponsors the putting.
  • 26th September The Sadie Thomas Memorial Bowl sponsored by Aileen and Alan Ralston. This will be a 4BBB  for both 18 hole and 9 hole events.
  • 3rd October The Swingers’ Fun Day . We look forward to see what form the fun will take this year. Sponsored by Kezz Brett, Helen Neal, Jenny Millner, Carolyn Lennon, Janine Bessen and Winnie Buttenshaw
  • 10th October The 10th Monthly Medal sponsored by Caboodle and Julie Mendham
  • 17th October is the day that we can support the local group of Can-Assist. On this charity day we will play a  Four person 4BBB event for both 18 and 9 hole competitions. An extra event will also be played in conjunction and that will be a Pink Ball event where each member of the team takes it in turns to play a hole with a pink ball. An extra prize will be given to the team who scores best just with the pink ball. However if the team loses the pink ball -sorry you are out of that event, but can still continue in the 4BBB event. Each team will be asked to pay an extra $10 ( only $2.50 per player) and this is a fun way to raise more money for Can-Assist. The sponsors for this day are Shirley Doherty, Marg Shannon, Dot Beasley, Janis Pritchard and Jill Benson.
  • And of course by the end of October we will be in Tournament mode – our Tournament is 23, 24 and 25 October. The field is full and we expect another fun and exciting competition.

Coming Events – Away  ( Notices for these events are on the noticeboard)

  • September 14th Canowindra Tournament
  • September 17th Tournament at Grenfell ( combined with the Men’s Tournament)
  • WDLGA Finals Day at Forbes on Thursday 28th September – finals of the pennants between Dubbo and Wellington, the Spoon event – a stableford event played by many from all over the Western Districts area, and the Champion of Champions event. Unfortunately our Club Champion, Susan Fenwick, will not be able to play this because of prior commitments.
  • Sunday 15th October Mudgee Tournament. Also on this day the Regional finals of the Golf NSW Medals competition will be played. Sally Kay and Tania Rusden will be competing in this for Duntryleague.
  • Sunday 22nd October  Molong Tournament
  • Thursday 26th October Wellington Tournament

Other News

  • The last of the Golf NSW Medal games have been played and all the scores tallied – best 3 of possible 6 rounds. These rounds were always played in conjunction with monthly medals. The Gold Medal goes to Sally Kay, the Silver was won by Tania Rusden and the Bronze medal to Pauline Jani. Sally and Tania have put their hands up to play in the regional final which will be at Mudgee. If anyone wins there they will go on to the final later in the year at Stonecutters’ Ridge.
  • The players who choose to play 9 holes on Tuesday are now playing the same type of event as the 18 holers. More interesting for them than always playing stableford.
  • There has been some work recently around the course removing some trees that were diseased or dangerous. There is always a good reason for their removal and members are reminded not to hassle or question the ground staff about these decisions. If there are any very strong feelings about an issue with the course these should be directed to the Board.
  • The small laminated flip card that Kerry and Lisa created has been appreciated. It doesn’t pretend to cover all the rules but is a handy reference while out on the course, particularly for the newer players.
  • Just a word about scoring and keeping a scorecard. Each player has a responsibility to score correctly and to keep an accurate scorecard. You need to be aware of the player’s score at any time during the game – counting each of their shots as well as your own. When you sign the cards at the end of the game you are saying that it is a true and accurate record of the game. It is a good idea to call your score at the completion of each hole – so as your ball finally drops into the cup, call what you had, eg. “that was a 6”  or  “that was my last shot so it is a wipe”. This helps to make it very clear what each person had on that particular hole. This is also the time to query any differences with counting – it is hard to do this a couple of hours and many holes later. If there is any disagreement about a score on a particular hole you need to try and work it out when you are still on the course. The clubhouse is not the place to be trying to countback shots and putts. And if you don’t agree or feel uneasy about the scores on a card then you have the option to not sign. Hope it doesn’t come to this !

Happy Golfing. Cheers Sally H.