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August Women’s Newsletter

It has been pleasing to see a change in the weather and some brilliant days for indulging our passion for golf. This month is always interesting because the prestigious Canobolas Cup is contested, and already the competition is hotting up for the final.

Points of Interest and Results

  • Winter Wonderland was held on 18th July and 67 women took to the course in great weather for July. It was a shotgun start so all the women could finish together and partake of some Duntry fare. The sponsors for the day were Gay Stone, Val Durack and Kerry Kidd. The food was good, the table decorations superb and the friendship even better.  The competition was a 4 person Texas Shootout and the winners with a great 94 points were Jane Arnott, Lisa McDonald, Jane Weisner, and Helen Neil. Runners-up were Jo Hunter, Sally Kay, Tiana Westbury and Virginia Conran with 90 points. Congratulations to all.
  • Canobolas Cup Qualifying Rounds were held on 25th and 27th July. Kevin Fraser sponsors these rounds and the best qualifier is awarded the Rita West Memorial Prize. There were some incredible performances over the two days. Sally Kay was the top qualifier with rounds of 74 and 68 nett. Well done Sally. Stand out results on the first day were Helen Bouffler 70 nett, Narelle Provost 70, Maureen Blunden 71 and Elaine Cusack 72. The best results on the second day were Ann Williams 67 and Sally Kay 68.
  • Canobolas Cup Matchplay  After the exciting qualifying rounds sixteen players fronted up to begin the elimination rounds. The players were Sally Kay, Billie O’Neil, Julie Mendham, Alison Duffield, Elaine Cusack, Mary Lee, Beryl Pearce, Wendy Dwyer, Ann Williams, Barbara Chapman, Margo Snare, Judy Royal, Robin Thompson, Sally Gordon, Margot Sullivan and Val Durack. The first elimination round was held on 3rd August and the eight players eliminated go on to contest the Consolation Cup. So on 10th August we had eight playing in the Consolation Cup and eight playing in the Canobolas Cup. The semifinals are set down for 17th August and at this stage Sally K., Beryl, Barb and Val are in the battle for the last two positions. In the Consolation event there is Billie, Elaine, Ann W. and Robin. The final is to be played on 24th August. Helen Corby is a long time sponsor of the Canobolas Cup and Janis Pritchard and Rhonda Bloomfield sponsor the Consolation Cup. It is a very exciting event and no doubt the women will be out in force on the final day to see the winners come home. There will be celebrations in the clubhouse with wine and platters as usual.
  • Keno Ambrose 2 Person Mixed Event was held on 23rd July. This is a Golf NSW event and the winners qualify to play in the regional final and then eventually if they are good enough the final at Bonville. At club level our winners and runners-up were Sally Kay and Max Powell, and Jo Hunter and Ewan Powell.
  • Keno Ambrose 2 Person Women’s Event was held on 30th July and for our club the qualifiers were Jo Sangster and Jo Kingham. Well done to all those who will get to play in the Regionals.
  • 1st August and the event was an 18 hole multiplier. This can be a rather daunting event if one of the players keeps scoring a wipe. Liz Nist and Sandra Foy managed to score well as winners and had 73 points. Well done. Pauline Jani and Maureen Blunden were runners-up with 71 pts. In conjunction a stableford was run and the winners in their respective divisions were Kerry Kidd 34, Liz Stair 37, and Narelle Provost 38. In the 9 hole comp Jean Conway had 20pts c/b from Rosemary Blair also on 20.
  • Monthly Medal Number 8 was held on 8th August and we thank our very generous sponsor Printhie Wines/ Ruth Swift. It was no surprise that Sally Kay was the medallist (with 67 nett) as she has been having some very impressive golf of late. Other winners on the day were Ros Davis, Dierdre Horan, Lisa Cobb and Helen Bouffler. Marg Murray has been having some great scores for the 9 hole competition and she did it again with 19 points.

Coming events at Duntryleague

  • 15th August – 2 person Ambrose
  • Thursday 17th August Round 3 of the Canobolas Cup and Round 2 of the Consolation Cup
  • Tuesday 22nd August 18 or 9 hole Stableford
  • Thursday 24th August  Canobolas Cup Final – 36 holes ; Consolation Cup Final – 18 holes. Celebrations afterwards with wine and nibbles.
  • Tuesday 29th August – 3 sticks and a putter, 18 or 9 hole stableford. Sponsored by Dot Beasley and Janet Appleby.
  • 5th September Captain’s vs President’s Day – 4BBB Stableford. Keep an ear out for news of this one as usually each team tries to dress in a team colour. Proudly sponsored by Dot and Kevin Tandy.
  • Limited play on Tuesday 12th September – 9 hole competition during course renovations.
  • Tuesday 19th September – Monthly Medal Number 9 sponsored by Terry White Chemist.
  • Tuesday 26th September – The Sadie Thomas Memorial Bowl – 4BBB stableford  sponsored by Aileen and Alan Ralston.

Coming Events Away – Notices with details of these events are on noticeboard

  • Sunday 20th August – Tournament at Cobar
  • Wednesday 23rd August  Tournament at Narromine
  • 27th August – Tournament at Peak Hill
  • Thursday 7th September – Tournament at Manildra
  • Sat/Sun  9th and 10th September  Tournament at Warren
  • Thursday 14th September – Tournament at Canowindra. 8.30 for 9 am shotgun start. $40 includes morning tea and lunch.
  • Sunday 17th September – Tournament at Grenfell.
  • Thursday 28th September –  WDLGA Finals Day at Forbes. Finals of Pennants, Champion of Champions and the WD Spoon event.

Happy Golfing. Cheers Sally H.