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November Women’s Newsletter

2023 is quickly coming to a close and before we know it we’ll be talking about Christmas. It has been a busy month since the last newsletter with our Tournament, a charity day and the Medal of Medals. A few big events are on the calendar to finish off the year – our AGM, November Invitational and of course our Christmas Cheer Day.

Points of Interest and Results

  • Can-Assist Day was held on 17th October and it was a very successful day. Over 80 women played with visitors from Cowra, Wentworth, Cumnock and Manildra. Vice-President of Can-Assist,  Glenys Grimmett, was on hand to receive a very healthy cheque made up of donations, raffle proceeds and  sponsors’ contributions. We know the charity always has plenty of call on its assistance with so many people in the community facing sickness and economic need. We hope the funds we raised can help. The sponsors for the day are Marg Shannon, Dot Beasley, Jill Benson, Janis Pritchard and Shirley Doherty -thank you for the support. The women played a Fourball event as well as the Pink Ball challenge. The Pink Ball was a great success – many saying it was a lot of fun, so hopefully we will do that again next year. There was a number of the pink balls not returned at the end of the game but they are out there somewhere – quite a few lost in the water on the 17th. The Fourball winners on the day were the team of Isabel Weston, Char Lee, Dawn Roberts and Julie Mendham with 91 points and the Pink Ball winners were Robyn Cannon, Janet Davenport, Helen Hubbard and Belinda Barrett with 35. In the 9 hole event the fourball winners were Jean Conway, Cathy Murphy, Shirley Carrick and Sally Heigh with 45 points and the pink ball event went to Cathy Fisher, Ann Burcher, Sue O’Brien and Rosemary Blair with 18.
  • The Women’s Open Tournament was of course the high light of the month. It was a very successful event and loads of visitors gave glowing compliments. The weather treated us very well this year with loads of sunshine and gentle breezes and everyone seemed in the best of moods to have a fun filled event. The presentation dinner was great – the room looked spectacular thanks to our events manager Justine and all her Duntry staff, and also Val, Barb, and Margo who were responsible for the native flora table decorations. There were many winners of course but special mention to the Duntry girls who shone – Sally Kay was the Tournament Champion taking out the Division 1 – 36 hole Scratch. This was only after Sally had to have a play -off and she did it soundly. Well done Sally. The other big winner was Sue Harris in Div. 4 who earned a silver trophy for taking out the 36 hole scratch. Other 36 hole Duntry winners were Judith Barlow (Div 1 Handicap R/up), Narelle Davidson (Div 3 Scratch r/up) and Sally Heigh ( Div 3 H’p winner). The following women also earnt prizes (and sometimes two prizes ) for great performances over the two days:  Judy Royal, Odile Prosser-Fenn, Jo Hunter, Deirdre Horan, Lyn Isles, Glenys Grimmett, Rhonda Bloomfield, Lisa Cobb, Isabel Weston and Taua Holmes. The third day was the traditional Foursomes followed by a delicious sausage sizzle. Many thanks to all who were involved whether they played or not – all the Duntry girls that helped, the Committee, all the staff ( ground staff, kitchen, bar, office and proshop) and the all important sponsors ( I listed all the sponsors in the last newsletter). Thank you everyone. The biggest thankyou must go to our Tournament Director and Tournament Secretary – congratulations Maria and Beryl on such a wonderful event. Huge thankyous for all the efforts you put in over many months to ensure everything ran smoothly and that everyone had an enjoyable time. We look forward to doing it all again next year so put aside these dates for 2024 – 28, 29 and 30th October.
  • After all the excitement of the Tournament it was rather pleasant to play a quiet and relaxing stableford on 31st October. Winners on the day in their respective grades were Tania Rusden, Glenys Grimmett (with the score of the day 41) and Phyllis Conran; with the 9 hole winner being Christine Errey.
  • Melbourne Cup Medley Stableford took place on the first Tuesday of the new month. Sponsors for the day were Kathy Fisher, Wendy Reid and Pat Rose; Kathy and Wendy were both there to congratulate the winners. Jo Sangster had a great round scoring 43 points in Division 1; in Div 2 Erana Swain played some steady golf to score 40 pts and Tania Singh had 39 to win top spot in Div 3. After golf there was a sausage sizzle and thanks to Chris Durack for organising and thanks also to his helpers. Then everyone settled down to wait for the big race. The weather was sublime again and made for a most enjoyable day. Hope you had some luck with the sweeps.
  • Silver Teams Event  This was held at Cowra on 10th November. Eight of our best players travelled over to contest this prestigious trophy for western district clubs. The players were Susan Fenwick, Jo Hunter, Sally Kay, Lindy Simpson, Margot Sullivan, Virginia Conran, Glenda Hodge and Michelle Paul. The best five scores count towards the team’s total and Duntry was able to nab the trophy again after a resounding win for 2022. Two years in a row – way to go !! Congratulations all.
  • 14th November Medal of Medals. This event is sponsored by Lisa McDonald and is the culmination of our ten monthly medals held over the year. The winner on the day was Tania Rusden with a very clear winning score of 68. Congratulations Tania. Tania also won the first of the monthly medal rounds for 2024. This means she will get to play for the trophy again in November 2024. The monthly medal was sponsored by Leesa Jagers from Eye See Eyes and we thank her very much for her support. Some other winners on the day were Sally Kay, Liz Stair, Rhonda Bloomfield  and Dot Tandy.

Coming Events

  • The Annual General Meeting is set down for 21st November. This is a change to the previously advertised date because of greens renovations taking place that same week and our traditional Closing Day had to be put forward a week. AGM golf event is sponsored by Narelle Provost, Pattie Pellow and Barb Mutton and we thank them for their support. It will be a 9 hole event only because of the greens being renovated and the AGM still due to begin about 2pm.
  • 28th November Closing Day – now known as November Invitational Day. This is sponsored by GIO – Cheryl and Richard Bennett. This will be an 18 hole stroke event; prizes for scratch, nett and stableford. Visitors are welcome and there will be raffles so bring your cash.
  • 5th December Women’s Christmas Cheer. This is a closed event and the format will be a Four Person Best Ball, 8 for 8.30 am shot gun start. This is always a popular event so start organising your team. There will be the Christmas luncheon to follow golf and look out for the flyer announcing this with all the information about cost and menu. As usual the raffle on the day will be Xmas hampers put together by the Committee. So the laundry basket will be put out soon, in the locker room area, and we ask that everyone contributes some Christmas goodies so the hampers can be as generous as always. Wine or bubbly, chocolates, Xmas cake, crackers etc – no perishables – anything Christmassy that would help the winners have a lovely spread on 25th Dec. Our very generous sponsors on this day are Elaine and Kevin Cusack and  Hattie Crossing, so lots of hams and Angullong wine for prizes.
  • After Christmas Cheer there will be individual stableford events held on Tuesdays and on Thursdays the Consistency Comp will begin from 7th December. More details about this in the next newsletter.

Happy Golfing. Cheers Sally H.