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May Women’s Newsletter

The year seems to be galloping away from us – we are already half way through the Monthly Medals, have completed the Matchplay Championships and entries have opened for the ever popular Open Tournament in October. We have also had our first taste of really bitter winter weather and it’s not even June yet.

Points of Interest and Results

  • The finals of the Matchplay Championships were played on 30th April in very cold conditions. Sally Kay was the victor in Division 1 against Jo Hunter, 2 up on the 35th hole. Ann Williams chipped in on the 16th hole to defeat Ruth Swift 3 up in Division 2. Isabel Weston won Division 3 against Lesley Williams, 2 up on the 18th hole. Congratulations to all participants and all the caddies and the referees. Everyone put in a mighty effort on the day, the competition was played in very good sporting spirit and it is great to see this event growing in popularity.
  • The  Two  person Ambrose Championships were played on 18th April and we thank our generous sponsors of the day – Beryl Pearce  and Helen Corby. Susan Fenwick and Michelle Paul combined well to take out the winners’ spot with a great score of 68. Sally Kay and Jo Hunter were only just beaten as their score was 68.5. Third were Rhonda Bloomfield and Margot Sullivan, and fourth were Louise Stevens and Val Pollock.
  • Cumnock Tournament. A few of the women ventured to Cumnock on 23rd April to test out the sand greens there. Marg Murray was there of course – always a keen supporter of the smaller clubs. Lisa Cobb and Narelle Provost managed to be in the winners’ circle.
  • Anzac Day Medley Stableford. There was a good roll up for this event and the women took out three of the first five places. Gay Stone had a blinder with 41 points and Danae Royal and Jo Hunter were just a shot behind both getting 40 points. Girl power indeed.
  • In the stableford event on 2nd May there were also some good scores with Louise Stevens 38,  Erana Swain 37 and Corinne Sloane 36  taking out their respective divisions.
  • Bathurst Tournament  2 – 4 May. We had a few women attend this event and Sally Gordon won the 36 hole scratch event in Div 2. Well done Sal G.
  • The Duntryleague Seniors’ Open Tournament was held 4-5 May. This was a very successful event and congratulations must go to Maria Crawford for all her seamless organisation. The event is for both men and women and all the results can be accessed via the website but we had many Duntry women who took out some prizes. Susan Fenwick was the overall Runner-Up and others who featured in the prize list were Taua Holmes, Sally Heigh, Kerry Kidd, Pauline Jani, Barbara Chapman, Wendy Reid, Beryl Pearce, Tania Rusden and Denise Watts. Well done all.
  • Monthly Medal number 5 was held on 9th May. This event has been sponsored for many years by KENDAL and we thank Kendal herself for the very generous support. The winners on the day received vouchers so they can go shopping at the business. Jane Arnott was the monthly medallist  with a great score of 68 nett. Jane is a relatively new player but is already proving she is serious about her game and looks like she is continually improving. Well done Jane. Other winners on the day in their divisions were Virginia Conran, Julie Mendham and Janine Bessen. Sally McDougall won the 9 hole comp with 21 points. Kendal also supplied the raffle prize for the day – thank you.
  • The Mabel McKenzie Brooch was held in conjunction with the Monthly Medal 5. This is an event run by the NSW Women’s Veterans Golf Assoc. and our Vets Liaison Officer Lesley Williams will work out who is eligible and who has won. These awards will not be given out until the end of the year at our AGM.
  • WD Pennants at Bathurst on 12th May. Unfortunately our team went down 4 matches to one, but all played in a good competitive and friendly spirit.   The second match of this year’s Pennants series will be held here at Duntryleague on 16th June.

Upcoming Events

  • Western Districts Tournament will be held over 15, 16 and 17 May at Wellington. There are 22 women from Duntryleague entered and we wish them well and hope they can replicate last year’s successes.
  • On the 21st May the Par 3 Championships will be contested. This is a shotgun start (8.30 for 9 am) and is sponsored by Beryl and Don Pearce. Be sure to get your names down for this one.
  • Foursomes Championships over 27 holes is to be held on 23rd May. This is always an interesting format and can test the best of friendships. Best just to have a laugh and enjoy the day. Thank you to the sponsors for this event  – Burcher EFI, Marilyn Maxwell, Pam Wright and Dianne Smith.
  • 30th May will see the 4BBB Stroke Championships begin. On this day there will be the qualifying round sponsored by the Collins family and Barbara Chapman. Players on the day who want to qualify will be playing for the Dorothy Collins Memorial Trophy. After this day the 16 teams who qualify will move to the elimination rounds.
  • 4BBB Stroke Championship  – the elimination rounds are played on Thursdays over four weeks – 1st June, 8th June, 15th June and 22nd June. Be sure to check with your playing partner that you both have all these dates free, in case you are good enough to get to the final. We try to avoid the situation where one team gets a win because another team forfeits due to unavailability. The conditions for this championship will be posted on the noticeboard. The sponsors are Maria Crawford, Ann Williams, Edna Sharp and Carol Reynolds and the winners receive the Moira Johnson Memorial Salver.
  • 4th June Dubbo Tournament. As always, details about any tournaments will be on the noticeboard.
  • 6th June  On this day a 9 hole or 18 hole vs Par event will be held.
  • 13th June Monthly Medal number 6 sponsored by Yates,Baker and McLean. This will be in conjunction with the Vets Country Championships, which is another Vets event run by NSW Women’s Vets Golf.
  • The Cowra Tournament will be on 14, 15 and 16th June.
  • WDLGA Spoon event will be on 20 June. Thank you to Sponsors  Pauline Jani, Jenny Cutler, Cheryl Bennett, Judy Royal, Marg Ogilvy and Pam Evans.  This is a stableford event and the first two placegetters in each division will be eligible to go to WDLGA Finals Day to be held on 28th September. The location is not yet known as it is dependent on the Pennants outcomes.

Other News

  • Gold Tee Comp is running most Thursdays, although this will not involve those players in the 4BBB elimination rounds. This is running as a trial at the moment and your handicap is adjusted to account for the shortened holes. Results still go to Golflink. If you choose to play the Gold Course on any other day you must let the pro shop know so that they can print the correct scorecard for you.
  • It is understood that more bunkers will be upgraded beginning this month.
  • Read the NTP signs carefully as they have been changed recently and will change again on a regular basis for variety.
  • Etiquette – there are a number of issues at the moment. Slow play, of course, is always an irritant to some members. So please be aware of this and try to keep the players in front of you within sight. If it is evident you are too slow you can let the ones behind through, or sometimes it is just a matter of being a bit quicker and after two of you have putted leave the green and move ready to tee off at the next hole. Don’t waste time looking for balls – with all the leaves around at the moment it is every player’s responsibility to keep their eyes on all the golf balls and avoid any aimless looking. Remember the three minute rule for this.
  • Another point about etiquette is to remember that we have quite a few new members or players who are new to the game. They will inevitably be slow at times as they get used to how to play and how to keep the field moving. With this in mind please be kind and understanding – we need to look after all members. The last thing we want is to lose a member because someone was abrupt or curt with them about their game. Better to be helpful than critical.
  • On a positive note it is lovely to see some of the newbies joining in and having successes – it enhances everyone’s enjoyment of the game but also of the whole club camaraderie.

Happy Golfing  ….. Cheers Sally H