
Pro Shop

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March Women’s Newsletter

Autumn is now here and the leaves are already beginning to fall. Just another job for the hardworking groundstaff and all the volunteers. The course is looking particularly good at the moment and at last week’s Vets tournament the compliments were coming thick and fast about the beautiful fairways and greens.

Results and Points of Interest

  • Regency Cup  This annual event held between Duntryleague and Wentworth Golf Clubs was played on 17th February and Duntry women had an outstanding victory 7 / 1. The format is a 4 Ball matchplay ; one of the games was won 7/6 and another was 6/4 so the win was quite resounding. We have to crow a bit this year about our convincing win because next year it may be a completely  different story  when we play on the Wentworth course. The weather was perfect and the camaraderie between the two clubs was great with lots of laughter and talk over lunch.
  • Charity Day supporting Push for Palliative in Orange was held on 28th February. It was the last day of summer and we couldn’t have asked for a better day – the sun was shining and the course was in brilliant condition. There were a number of visitors and a fairly full field and this is what we had hoped for so we could raise lots of money. All moneys from the raffle and also from the sponsors went towards the charity. There were also a number of other donations thrown into the pot and thanks to all those involved for the very generous contributions. The sponsors on the day were Val Durack, Val Pollock, Margo Snare, Billie O’Neil and Sally Heigh. Thanks also to Kezz Brett who donated a painting and a bottle of spirits for the raffle, IGA gave a $200 voucher and Michelle Paul who gave a Bowen Therapy prize. The Proshop also donated a golf lesson. It is no wonder that all expectations were exceeded and we raised over $1860. Well done all. Jenny Hazelton and Sheila Tancred from Palliative Care were on hand to give an update on palliative care in Orange and how the push for a dedicated hospice is progressing. We thank them for attending our golf day and for all the work they have been doing for Push for Palliative. Golf winners on the day were Tania Rusden, Ruth Swift and Dawn Roberts in their respective divisions. Tania had a particularly good day with 41 stableford points. Wendy Slade won the 9 hole comp with 17 points.
  • Central West Vets Tournament was played last week – Monday at Bathurst, Tuesday at Wentworth and Thursday at Duntryleague. They had a big field this year with visitors from all across the state and beyond. Some of our women had good results. Barb Chapman won the NSW VGA Week of Golf Trophy based on Tuesday’s game and Margot Sullivan was runner-up in this event. Michelle Paul won the 54 hole A Grade event, Sally Gordon was the B Grade Runner-up on Monday, and Kerry Kidd was the A Grade winner on Thursday.
  • Can Assist Charity Day held on 12th March raised lots of money and was well supported. For the women Virginia Conran was the best on the day with 40 points. Well done Vig.
  • The Wentworth Annual Tournament was played on Sunday 12th March and we had a few Duntry girls competing. Congratulations to  Margo Snare who was our best representative with 38 points.
  • The third Monthly Medal for the year was played on Tuesday 14th March in conjunction with the first round of the Championships. This medal is sponsored by Tony Leahey Motor Group and the putting prizes for the day are provided by Janis Pritchard. Thank you sponsors – what would we do without you. In Division 1 Susan Fenwick claimed the scratch and handicap prizes, in Div 2 it was Sally Gordon and in Div 3 it was Pauline Jani. So Pauline claimed the monthly medal with a great score of 69 nett. Sandra Blowes also got 69 but cruelly denied the medal by the countback system. All these players are now well placed for the championships.

Upcoming Events

  • The Championships have begun and will continue for four rounds (72 holes) – 14th, 16th, 21st, 23rd March. Virginia Conran ( Orange Self Storage) sponsors the overall championships and there are some other sponsors as well with Sally Gordon and Robin Thompson sponsoring the third round, the President sponsors the Mathews- Robinson trophy and the Senior Championship is sponsored by Sally Heigh. All the conditions for this event have been posted on the noticeboard including the qualifying conditions for the matchplay championships. There is a bit of reading there but if you are not sure of some of the rules about the championships that is where you will find the information.
  •  Duntryleague Gourmet Golf is to be held on 27th, 28th, and 29th March. All the details about this one are on the Home page of the Duntry website.
  • Monthly Medal number 4 is to be played on 11th April sponsored by Inbound Web Solutions (Jo Hunter)
  • 18th April  Women’s Golf NSW  2 person Ambrose sponsored by Beryl Pearce and Helen Corby. If you are successful here you may go on to play at the regional final held in September and then ultimately the final at Bonville. This is the one that Sally Kay and Jo Hunter had great success at last year coming in second overall.
  • Pennants  This year our first rounds in the Western Districts Pennants will be against Bathurst – a game here at Duntry and then another played at Bathurst. News about this will be forthcoming in the next few weeks.
  • Bathurst Tournament is set down for 1st, 2nd and 3rd May – entry forms and information are on the noticeboard.
  • Western Districts Tournament is to be played 16th, 17th and 18th May. There is a heap of information about this on the noticeboard and your entry should be going in now so you don’t miss out. Last year’s event was very good and I envisage that there will be a good demand for places this year. Any queries to be directed to the WD Rep for Duntry and that is Sally Heigh.

Happy Golfing. Cheers Sally