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July Women’s Newsletter

It has been a typical July so far and a couple of our events were either washed out or had reduced numbers. But the women have proved to be a hardy bunch and the year’s program continues to roll on. The next major event will be the Canobolas Cup and it usually brings the most bitter of our golf days.

Points of Interest and Results

  • Pennants Unfortunately our players were defeated by Bathurst 4/1 on our own course. So now Bathurst will go on to the next elimination round – the quarter finals –  and Duntry will have to wait till 2024 for another chance.
  • Final of 4BBB Championships  This was contested on a very cold and bleak day on 22nd June. The four players who had made it through all the elimination matchplay rounds were Val Durack and Ros Davis up against Sally Gordon and Ann Williams. The game see-sawed back and forth but Sally and Ann looked to have it all wrapped up as they came down the 16th fairway. Nothing is final until it is really over and Val and Ros dug deep for the last two holes. They all walked off the 18th, all square, and had to face the first hole again. Now it was sudden death. Finally on the 20th hole Val and Ros tasted victory. Everyone was glad to get into the clubhouse with some celebratory wine and nibbles. All in all a very enjoyable championship. The winners were awarded the Moira Johnson Memorial Salver – the sponsors are Carol Reynolds, Ann Williams, Maria Crawford and Edna Sharp and we thank them for their continuing support of this event.
  • Western Districts Spoon Event  This was held on 20th June. This is a stableford event that determines who can go to Finals Day in September. Usually the first two placegetters in each division get to represent Duntryleague, but if they are not available we can go down the list for our players. The event is sponsored by one of the groups we have of the Country Duntry women – Pauline Jani, Cheryl Bennett, Judy Royal, Marg Ogilvy, Pam Evans and Jenny Cutler. Only Pauline was present on the day but she did an admirable job of presenting the prizes. Division 1 winner was Lindy Simpson with the score of the day – 39. Runner-up was Virginia Conran. In Division 2 Ann Williams continued her good run of golf with 34 and the runner-up was Dawn Roberts. Kerrie Woods had 33 to be the winner in Division 3 and Sally MacDougal was runner-up. In the 9 hole competition Cathy Murphy had a great 22 points and Marg Shannon followed with 17 c/b.
  • On 27th June a Stableford event was run ( not the multiplier which was on the original program). Winners on the day in their respective divisions were Val Pollock 32 points, Margo Snare 38, Narelle Provost 38 with Edna Sharp winning the 9 hole event on 17 points. The multiplier stableford was moved to 11th July.
  • 4th July was meant to be the next monthly medal but the day was very inclement and no-one ventured out onto the course. So this monthly medal was moved up to 11th July and pushed the multiplier to the curb once again. Probably a good thing as some of us weren’t looking forward to that event at all !!
  • 11th July Monthly Medal number 7. This event is sponsored by Beryl and Don Pearce and we thank them very much for this continued sponsorship. It was a cold day with a sharp wind but at least the sun was shining and some women had very good scores. The medallist this month was Alison Duffield and she did well to secure the prize because it was on a countback from two other players. Well done Alison with 72 nett. Winners in each of the divisions were Sally Kay, Div1 with 72 nett; Ruth Swift, Div 2 with 74 nett, and Corinne Sloane in Div 3 also with 72 nett.  Marg Murray won the 9 hole comp with 16 points.

Coming Events at Duntryleague

  • 18th July Winter Wonderland This will be a 4 person Texas Shoot Out and by the time you are reading this newsletter you should be organised for this event. Following golf which will be an 8.30 for 9am shot gun start there will be a warming lunch of either curry or pasta followed by cakes and slices for $30 which should have been pre-paid at the Office. Sponsors for the day are Val Durack, Kerry Kidd and Gay Stone – they have been eagerly awaiting this day and made all the arrangements so do hope it is a successful event.
  • 23rd July   Please note this is a Sunday. This will be a qualifying round for the Keno Ambrose event that is organised by Golf NSW. This particular round is for the mixed teams (2 Players)
  • 30th July  Again please note this is a Sunday and another Keno Ambrose event. If you missed out on the Sunday before you can try to qualify again but this time the teams are women only and men only. Duntryleague can send a women’s team, a men’s team and a mixed team to the regional finals held later in the year and ultimately you might have a chance at the Finals held in Bonville.
  • Qualifying Rounds for the Canobolas Cup will be on 25th and 27th July so that is the Tuesday and Thursday of that week. You need to play on both days to be eligible to qualify. The Cup is arguably one of our most prestigious events for the year and because of that we ask that all players think carefully about the dates and if they will be available to play. Of course not everyone can go on to the final but you have to ensure you are able to play each of the elimination rounds in case you do get that far. As much as possible we want to avoid any cancellations/ forfeits. The fairness of the competition is always called into question if someone pulls out half way through the event. The match play elimination rounds are set down to be played on Thursdays – 3rd August, 10th August, 17th August and the final on 24th August ( finalists for the C. Cup play 36 holes). The eight players who are eliminated in the first round proceed to play off in the Consolation Cup on the same dates as listed. All the conditions of play will be displayed on the noticeboard in the Ladies’ Rooms or you can speak to Kerry or Gay about anything you are not sure of. The sponsors for this event are Kevin Fraser who awards a prize (usually a very coveted bottle of champagne) called the Rita West Memorial Prize for the best qualifier;  Helen Corby, who has been sponsoring the Canobolas Cup for many years; and Janis Pritchard and Rhonda Bloomfield who sponsor the Consolation Cup.
  • 1st August  18 hole/ 9 hole stableford
  • 8th August  Monthly Medal Number 8 sponsored by Ruth Swift and Printhie Wines.
  • 15th August  Two person Ambrose
  • 22nd August   18 hole/ 9 hole Stableford

Coming Events – Away  ( details for these are on the noticeboard)

  • July 23rd Tournament at Trundle
  • Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th August  West Wyalong  Tournament
  • Sunday August 13th Condobolin Tournament
  • Sunday August 20th Cobar Tournament
  • Wednesday 23rd August  Tournament at Narromine

Other News 

  • Most of the prizes you win go onto your Account. There has been a couple of queries about this recently so it is always a good idea to keep a check on the Prizes List and on your Account. Soon after a game is completed you should be able to access this information on the Members Portal. If there is a discrepancy at all you can enquire at the Pro Shop.
  • Remember to always mark your ball when we have Preferred Lies in effect. When it comes to the Putting Green you must mark your ball if you are picking it up BUT you must also mark your ball even if you are just turning the ball slightly to line it up with the hole.
  • The Gold Tee Competition has now finished its 3 month trial and it will be evaluated. We look forward to the results. Thursday competitions now revert back to the red tees.

Happy Golfing. Cheers Sally H