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August Women’s Newsletter

It has been pleasing to see a change in the weather and some brilliant days for indulging our passion for golf. This month is always interesting because the prestigious Canobolas Cup is contested, and already the competition is hotting up for the final. Points of Interest and Results Winter Wonderland was held on 18th July … Read more

July Women’s Newsletter

It has been a typical July so far and a couple of our events were either washed out or had reduced numbers. But the women have proved to be a hardy bunch and the year’s program continues to roll on. The next major event will be the Canobolas Cup and it usually brings the most … Read more

June Women’s Newsletter

It has been another busy month on the golf course. There is always something going on and the colder winter months are no excuse not to get out and join in. El Nino is apparently going to be the condition for this year so the golf course will be drier than last winter with plenty … Read more

May Women’s Newsletter

The year seems to be galloping away from us – we are already half way through the Monthly Medals, have completed the Matchplay Championships and entries have opened for the ever popular Open Tournament in October. We have also had our first taste of really bitter winter weather and it’s not even June yet. Points … Read more