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April Women’s Newsletter

March merging into April has been another busy period on the golf course as we make the steady advance through autumn. We’ve had some great days but the weather has proved unpredictable and affected some events. We managed to get through the Championships without incident which we were grateful for.

Results and Points of Interest

  • The Championships. Last newsletter I reported on Round 1 and the women who had played well that day pretty well continued their efforts and left everyone else in their wake. The final results are all listed on the noticeboard but special mention must be made to a few players. Susan Fenwick was the Club Champion with rounds of 74, 76, 81, and 77; total gross score was 308. In Division 1 Sally Kay was scratch runner-up, Michelle Paul the handicap winner and Lindy Simpson handicap runner-up. Division 2 Champion was Elaine Cusack who is always a steady player with a  scratch score of 399. Sally Gordon was runner-up, Erana Swain H’cap winner and Wendy Dwyer runner-up. In Division 3 Pauline Jani could not be caught as she lead the Div 3 players from Day 1 finishing with a gross score of 421. Val Durack took out Runner-up honours and in the handicap Lesley Williams and Maureen Blunden were winners. Pauline Jani was the Senior Champion this year and Susan Fenwick was doubly pleased to achieve the best nett score overall which meant she was awarded the Mathews-Robinson Trophy. Lots of photos are attached. Special thanks to the sponsors especially Virginia Conran ( Orange Self Storage) who sponsors the whole event. Other sponsors included Sally Gordon and Robin Thompson for the third round and Sally Heigh for the Senior’s Champion. There was lots of celebrating on the last day with wine and nibbles; everyone was glad to be able to congratulate the winners and share in their great achievements.
  • Matchplay Championships. Following on from the Championships, eight women in each division qualified to contest the matchplay champs. These are still being played and at this stage in Div 1 still in the fight are Jo Hunter, Michelle Paul, Margot Sullivan and Sally Kay. In Div 2 Robin Thompson, Ann Williams, Ruth Swift and Maria Crawford. In Div 3  we have Val Durack, Isabel Weston, Lesley Williams and Denise Watts. The final is due to be played on 30th April. Good luck to all.
  • Gourmet Golf held as part of Orange Food Week was sadly very affected by bad weather and constant rain. Of course it cleared up as soon as the event came to a close! There was some golf but many who had been involved said it was a very happy and enjoyable event and all were entertained in the Duntry style.
  • The Monthly Medal for April (number 4 medal) was held on 11th April  and sponsored by Inbound Web Solutions – thank you Jo Hunter for your very generous sponsorship. Jo herself played well that day having a scratch score of 77. The Monthly Medallist was Tania Rusden with 70 nett, well done Tania. Other winners on the day were Wendy Reid, Jo Kingham, Sally Heigh, Wendy Dwyer and Isabel Weston. Special mention to the 9 hole Competition winner with 20 points Edna Sharp.

Upcoming Events

  • 18th April an Ambrose event (2 person) – should be interesting as we haven’t had one of these for ages. Thank you for your sponsorship Beryl Pearce and Helen Corby.
  • Sunday April 23rd – Cumnock Tournament 8.30 start. Details on the noticeboard. $35 includes lunch and is always an enjoyable day.
  • April 25th Anzac Day – there will be a medley stableford.
  • April 30th Molong Tournament. See the noticeboard for details.
  • Bathurst Tournament –  1st, 2nd and 3rd of May
  • Forbes Tournament – 6th and 7th May – $45 and includes lunch
  • May 9th – Monthly Medal Number 5 sponsored by Kendal. This will be in conjunction with The Mabel McKenzie Brooch which is open to all women who have paid their NSW Women’s Veterans annual fees and Duntryleague is their home club. Our Vets rep is Lesley Williams and she can answer any questions you have about this event.
  • Western Districts Tournament will be on16, 17 and 18 of May. This year it is being held at Wellington Golf Course and we have a contingent of 22 players attending from Duntry. Good luck Girls.

Happy Golfing …… Cheers from Sally H.