
Pro Shop

Please be advised that lithium batteries are not permitted to be charged or stored on our grounds at any time.

Local Rules

(To be read in conjunction with the Rules of Golf (January 2019) and any temporary local rules as
displayed on the Local Rule Board)
1. OUT OF BOUNDS (Rule 18.2)
a) All areas outside the boundary of the property as defined by the perimeter fence, tennis
courts, main car park and any area beyond white stakes with black tops.
2. PENALTY AREAS (Rule 17)
a) Red penalty areas are defined by red stakes and / or red lines
b) Penalty Area – No Play Zone is any area outside the area defined by red stakes with black
tops beyond the 18th green & 10th tee.
2.1. PENALTY AREA – NO PLAY ZONE (Rule 17.1e)
18th Hole – The Penalty Area at the rear of the 18th green, identified by red stakes with black
tops, is a No Play Zone. When a ball is in the penalty area, the ball must NOT be played as it
lies, and relief MUST be taken from the penalty area – No Play Zone under Rule 17.1d(1) or
(3), or at the nearest drop zone as defined in Local Rule 3.3
3.1. Drop Zone on 14th hole:
Whilst playing the 14th hole, if a player’s ball enters the penalty area beyond the 14th green, a
player may choose to take penalty relief at the nearest drop zone, in addition to taking stroke
and distance relief under Rule 17.1d(1) or lateral relief under Rule17.1d(3). (Penalty – 1 stroke)
3.2. Drop Zone on 17th hole:
Whilst playing the 17th hole, if a player’s ball enters the penalty area, a player may choose to
take penalty relief at the drop zone behind the red teeing area, in addition to taking stroke and
distance relief under Rule 17.1d(1) or lateral relief under Rule17.1d(3). (Penalty – 1 stroke)
3.3. Drop Zone on 18th hole:
a) If a player’s ball enters the penalty area – No Play Zone beyond the 18th green (defined in
Local Rule 2.1) a player may choose to take penalty relief at the nearest drop zone, in addition
to taking stroke and distance relief under Rule 17.1d(1) or lateral relief under Rule 17.1d(3)
(Penalty – 1 stroke)
b) If a player’s ball enters the hedge at the rear of the 18th green (but not beyond the hedge), or if
the hedge interferes with a player’s area of intended stance or area of intended swing, relief
MUST be taken. A player may choose to take free relief at the nearest drop zone, in addition
to taking complete relief under Rule 16.1
4.1. Ground Under Repair – Free relief may be taken under Rule 16.1
a) GUR – Areas encircled by white paint, marked as dots, broken lines, unbroken lines
and / or Ground Under Repair signage
b) ALL ARTIFICIALLY SURFACED ROADS & PATHS – (includes gravel paths and
adjoining posts or barriers) excluding carpark and roadway toward tennis courts behind
18th green.
c) UNFORMED CARTS PATHS – in the general playing area where traffic has been
directed by cart signs or blue lines or on and off formed cart paths.
d) WHEEL RUTS – Clearly defined wheel ruts in the general area made by course
maintenance machinery
e) TREE ROOTS – If a player’s ball is on the fairway, and there is interference to the
player’s swing from exposed tree roots. The player may take free relief under Rule
Exception – no relief under this Local Rule if the tree root / roots only interfere with the
player’s stance.
f) PAINTED LINES – in the general area are to be treated as an abnormal ground
Exception – no relief under this Local Rule if painted lines only interfere with the
player’s stance.
g) BARE PATCHES ON FAIRWAYS – All bare dirt patches on the closely mown areas of
fairway, on the fairway being played, are to be treated as GUR. This rule does NOT
apply to divots repaired or not.
h) BUNKERS – During periods of adverse wet weather, all bunkers that contain white
stakes are to be treated as GUR and free relief MAY be taken in the general area at the
nearest point of complete relief, not nearer to the hole, in addition to taking relief under
Rule 16.1c.
4.2. Immovable Obstructions
a) All stakes defining GUR, Penalty Areas, Distance Markers
b) Line of play interference close to putting greens e.g. Sprinkler heads.
Immovable obstructions close to putting greens. In addition to the types of interference
described in Rule 16.1a, interference also exists if an immovable obstruction is:
i. On the player’s line of play, AND
ii. Is within two club-lengths of the putting green, AND
iii. Is within two club-lengths of the ball.
Exception – no relief under this Local Rule if the player chooses a line of play that is clearly
The following areas are Abnormal Course Conditions – NO PLAY ZONES and as such, relief
MUST be taken in accordance with Rule 16.1f.
a) Trees and shrubs under two (2) club lengths in height which interfere with the player’s
intended stance or swing are a No Play Zone (and includes any stakes and/or
protective guards).
b) Cultivated or Formed Gardens identified with “Garden Bed” signs are a No Play Zone
that are to be treated as an abnormal course condition. Garden edging / boarders are
immovable obstructions.
c) Greens Nursery adjacent the 6th and 8th holes, marked by white stakes.
If a ball is lost or out of bounds, as an alternative to stroke and distance relief, Local Rule E-5
may be used. A player may drop a ball within two club lengths, but not nearer to the hole, of
the nearest edge of the fairway at an equal distance from the hole to where the ball was
believed to be lost or went out of bounds. (Penalty – 2 strokes)
This Local Rule may not be used if:-
1) A provisional ball is in play,
2) A ball is in a penalty area,
3) For an unplayable ball.
1) Determine the location where the ball went out of bounds (diagram on the left) or was likely to
have been lost (diagram on the right) – Point A
2) Find the nearest fairway edge no closer to the hole – Point B
3) Drop your ball within 2 club lengths of Point B and not nearer to the hole.